What to do before making that dreaded IT Helpdesk call

Posted by Dennis Woodward on August 29, 2009 in Computers and Technology |

Being in the education field for over 15 years, I also have have been doubly doomed by providing technical assistance to non-technical people. Teachers are not trained to be experts (usually) when it comes to using applications or troubleshooting.  Many teachers USE technology to make some part of their lives easier but usually it is […]

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Photo Slideshows for Dummies? Goodbye PowerPoint.

Posted by Dennis Woodward on May 31, 2008 in Computers and Technology |

A few months ago, I ran across a site that is simply amazing. I am often asked how to create a slideshow of still photos from my colleagues. Their immediate question usually starts like this… I have created a PowerPoint slideshow with a bunch of pictures and I’ve added a soundtrack. How can I ‘save’ […]

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Which computer would you recommend?

Posted by Dennis Woodward on April 4, 2008 in Computers and Technology |

“Which computer would you recommend?” I hear this question over and over from colleagues and even strangers who find out my line of work. The long and short of the answer really comes down to “You get what you pay for”. As we browse the advertisements and commercials, we see great deals from Dell, Gateway, […]

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